Sweetheart of a deal!

Romance, flowers, chocolates, tanning?!  Umm… OBVIOUSLY!

Whether you are happily celebrating this day of love solo or with a significant other –you’ll rock any Valentines Day outfit you decide to wear after spray tanning with Superior Spray Tanning. You’ll leave with that sun-kissed look sure to impress your love, or the other singles out and about!

Book your Valentine’s Day tan today. Starting February 1st we will be running “Sweetheart of a Deal” Valentine’s Day tanning special!

February 1st-28th: Sweetheart of a Deal (1/2 price tans)

valentines - sweetheart deal




New year, new you, new tan!

Happy New Year, spray tanners!

It’s a new year, and I’m definitely going to let the new me shine bright this year with our glowing tan from Superior Spray Tanning! It’s 2016, so let’s get your tanning goals started off the right way and help you achieve and maintain your glow!

First, no matter what time of year it is, you want to have that sun-kissed glow that we all find so appealing.

People are making their 2016 New Year’s resolutions. For many, forming healthy habits is a high priority, including more physical activity, healthy eating or quitting smoking. This year, consider adding this one to your list – Resolve to Make 2016 the year of No Tanning Beds. By avoiding tanning beds, you decrease your risk for skin cancer, maintain a healthy and younger looking complexion. It’s like three resolutions rolled into one.

Decrease Your Risk of Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is a global epidemic with 90 percent of all cases caused by sun exposure, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation. It is also the most common type of cancer in the United States. It is estimated that 137,310 new cases of melanoma, 63,440 noninvasive (in situ) and 73,870 invasive, was diagnosed in 2015 according to American Academy of Dermatology. For those who use tanning beds, the risk of forming melanoma increases by 74 percent compared to those who never frequent tanning salons, claims a report in the journal of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. And for those who spend more than 50 hours under those indoor UV rays, the risk triples. Even more troubling, the newer high-pressure tanning beds (that mostly emit UVA rays) can increase the risk to four times.

Maintain a Healthy, Younger Looking Complexion Longer

Ultraviolet radiation may cause irreversible changes in the skin including fine wrinkles, deep grooves, blotchiness, sagging and a leathery texture. Some of these changes may appear as early as the age of 20 in anyone who has spent a great deal of time in the sun during childhood and teen years. Artificial tanning can cause any or all of these unwanted cosmetic effects and contribute to premature aging of the skin.

The use of tanning beds can create undesirable long term effects. The benefits of avoiding them can be significant – and it’s never too late to break a bad habit!  Join us in saying “No” to tanning beds.

Avoiding tanning beds is the first step toward a healthy, happy New Year and New You!

12 days of Christmas

Celebrate our 12 Days of Christmas deals by booking a tan on the day of the deal you want!

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Day 1 – Monday December 7th: Bring 3 friends, You tan FREE

Day 2 – : Tuesday December 8th: New clients tan for $15

Day 3 – Wednesday December 9th: $10 off your spray tan

Day 4 – Thursday December 10: Receive a FREE gift certificate for spray tan with a purchase of a full price tan

Day 5 – Friday December 11th: Spray tans only $25

Day 6 – Saturday December 12th: 1/2 off your spray tan

Day 7 – Sunday December 13th: Host a tanning party of 6 or more and your tan is FREE

Day 8 – Monday December 14th: Bring a friend and you tan FREE

Day 9 – Tuesday December 15th: Tan until 2016 for only $49

Day 10 – Wednesday December 16th: Double Trouble, 2 people tan for $30 each

Day 11 – Thursday December 17th: 44% off your spray tan

Day 12 – Friday December 18th: Buy one tan, Get one FREE


End 2015 with a bang!

All spray tans from December 18-31 are only $30!

christmas deal

Professional Airbrush Spray Tan vs Home Self-Tanners

You may be asking yourself, “Can’t I just use a sunless tanner at home and get the same results as a professional spray tan”?

Here is the main difference between getting a professional spray tan and using a tanning lotion at home; consistency!

It is very hard for anyone to spread a lotion on themselves evenly. You could also miss places completely. Having a friend put the lotion on might keep you from missing as many places, but you will likely not have your entire body coated evenly.

Think of someone finger painting your body. There will be places with a thin layer of paint and mounds of it in other places. This will affect the final outcome of your at home tan.

When you have a professional spray tan, your Tanning Artist will have you stand in certain positions, so she can spray every inch of your body. She will have a start point and go in a pattern that leaves no spot unsprayed and also doesn’t over spray any section. This will leave you with an even tan.

Your Tanning Artist will also be able to use your skin type and natural coloring to choose the perfect color of “Tan”. With a lotion self tanner, it is very easy to pick the wrong color and your tan will look unnatural.

To put this in a more visual way, think about cars you have seen that have awesome paint jobs; nice even color. Now think of a car you have seen where they used a roller to paint it or even cans of spray paint from the hardware store; creases, bubbles, dark spots and light spots.

Now ask yourself, which “paint job” do you want on your beautiful body?

PALE is the Scariest Thing You Can Be This Halloween

Halloween is coming up in a couple of weeks and that means parties, events and get-togethers. Are you planning a sexy Halloween costume and you need a perfect spray tan to do the trick? Don’t be the only ghost at your Halloween Party!

Take advantage of the Halloween spirit and dress up in your best costume. Whether you plan to go as a sexy super hero, an adorable kitty cat or a tough police officer, spray tanning will do away with the pasty white and give you the beautiful, bronze skin to take your costume to the next level. Put the finishing touches on your costume by getting your spray tan so you don’t show up to the event PALE!

halloween airbrush party

Don’t miss out on our Killer Halloween Airbrush Tan Party on Thursday October 29th at our Eldersburg studio. Spray tans are only $30 or $25 if you come as a group of 4. This is a HUGE discount! Appointments are quickly filling up so email us at StephanieSmith@superiorspraytanning.com to reserve your spot. We will be serving some ghostly snacks and deadly love potion! Come party with us while your spray tan so you will look amazing in your Halloween costume.

Get your Homecoming Spray Tan

Whether it’s homecoming, cheer, dance, or just for fun, students enjoy big discounts on their spray tanning sessions for the month of September!  Students pay only $25 with student ID for studio appointments.

Skin cancer is the SECOND MOST COMMON FORM OF CANCER IN WOMEN AGED 20 to 29, and tanning bed use in the teen years has been linked to melanoma later in life.  Choose the safer, faster alternative and get a spray tan for homecoming and all of your back to school activities.


Spray Tanning for Pageants

Who is ready for Miss America Pageant on Sunday September 13th?

Spray tanning and its many facets is a wonderful way to give your skin a healthy glow while avoiding the harmful UV radiation in tanning beds. How you look onstage is the end result of months of training and preparation for your pageant. Unfortunately, the harsh lights of the stage “wash out” everyone’s skin tone, and highlight flaws, scars, and imperfections. Getting a spray tan as part of your pageant prep will not only even out your skin tone, but will also make your skin look tan and healthy when you are in the spotlight. To achieve a glow that will withstand harsh stage lighting, make sure you go with a professional spray tan!

Over the past year, I have really gotten into the pageant world! Superior Spray Tanning was a sponsor of the Miss Frederick pageant and tanned most of the contestants. From there, we sponsored many title holders around Maryland including Miss Frederick and Miss Frederick Teen, Miss Appalachia, Miss Mason Dixon and Miss Carroll County Teen. I was also asked to be a judge for Miss Baltimore Teen pageant. I enjoyed interviewing the different girls and experiencing a pageant from a different angle.  I am so glad that the pageant world had moved away from the dangerous tanning bed and onto the safer way to tan for competitions……airbrush spray tanning.

A few spray tanning tips for the perfect pageant spray tan!

Local Pageants

If you are doing a local pageant, definitely get your spray tan a day or two before the pageant. Make sure you wax/shave beforehand and that you get your tan AFTER your manicure, pedicure, massage, or any other spa treatment that might possibly exfoliate the skin.

State Pageants

State pageants are usually a week in length and usually the spray tan you get pre-pageant is not going to last the entire time. Most of the girls get spray tanned before they “check-in” to the pageant, then again the evening before swimsuit/physical fitness and one last one before the final night.



Is Spray Tanning on your Back-to-School List?

No one wants to admit it, but sadly, the summer is almost over and it’s already back-to-school time.

Here at Superior Spray Tanning, we know just how draining the start of the school year can be on the wallet. You need a new wardrobe, edgy haircut, pimped out dorm room, expensive textbooks and all those number 2 pencils. We want to make the start of the impending school year a little more bearable and easier on the wallet–by giving you some awesome tanning specials!

back to school list

For the next month, we are offering a back-to-school tanning deals to get you ready for your first month of school! So hit up the mall for your new back-to-school gear and then head on over to Superior Spray Tanning to ensure your great summer glow lasts well into the fall school year!