Sunless Spray Tanning and Exfoliation

Yes, the solution is important and so is a skilled spray or air brush technician. However, Exfoliation is crucial!

The main ingredient in all spray tan solutions is DHA.  (Dihydroxyacetone)   The ingredient has been approved by the FDA since the 1970s and comes in a variety of cosmetic products.

DHA derived from raw sugar cane and reacts with the amino acids (proteins) in the outer layer of the skin to produce a bronze color.

Since DHA reacts with dead skin cells, patches of dry skin may result in uneven or patchy coloring.

The day before getting a spray tan, exfoliate your body with a loofah or scrub and moisturize well.   The best analogy I can give you, I obtained through research on Spray Tanning.

Have you ever painted a wall in your room or house?  What are the first steps? PREPERATION! Very important for the ultimate results with spray tanning also.

The tedious and time consuming scraping, patching, sanding and primer are the worst part of the job, but the most important for a good-looking and long-lasting finish.

Poor surface preparation will result in uneven texture on walls, and make your room look worse than before you even started. Spray tanning is much the same!  Prep your skin in the same manner, with an extra focus on elbows, knees, feet and ankles. Then moisturize and stay hydrated with lots of water.

Treat your skin like a fresh canvas and exfoliate and moisturize on a regular basis. This is very healthy for your skin and will result in a flawless, longer lasting spray tan.

If you have questions or inquiries don’t hesitate to contact us. We will be glad to help you and put your mind at ease with any aspect of Spray or Air Brush Tanning.

Spray Tan for Body Builders

Superior Spray Tanning artist have a foolproof way to achieve desired skin tone for body builders.

Individuals who are involved in body building know for a fact that not only do they need to develop a perfect muscular build but they also need to appear healthy and glowing. Most body builders these days acknowledge the fact that their chances of impressing the judges will be many times increased if they eliminate their pale and unhealthy looking skin. We have to admit the fact that human nature demands us to look attractive all of the time.

Because of the nature of the sport, body builders must have the proper muscular form at the right angles of the body. Fair-skinned body builders are always discouraged since this their pale skin color tends not to not emphasize their musculature. It has been common in the past that body builders are expected to have darker richer skin tones. It is well-known in the body building culture that bodies that are naturally dark look better and more impressive compared to those that are fair. Fair skin, as mentioned earlier, gives the impression of a pale and unhealthy person and is not aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Tanning is an easy fix to this issue and an appointment with a tanning artist is highly suggested.
Now, if you are a body builder and your skin color is naturally fair then you might want to consider making some changes. There are body builders who would really work at exposing themselves to the sun in the hope that their skin color would change and develop a healthy looking tan. However, many of them have been disappointed by the fact that the natural way of getting a tan is not really very effective or consistent when it comes to skin tone. It is a known fact that the skin will always have a natural inclination to return to its regular color and prolonged exposure to the sun will only lead to an imperfect and uneven skin tone. Not only that, it could also lead to skin cancer if you don’t properly protect your skin with sunscreen. This can put fair skinned body builders at a great disadvantage.

Many people are Spray Tanning because it is a safer more consistent way to tan. Todays advanced technologies are producing healthy natural looking tanned skin through artificial means. Today body builders are motivated to make use of Sunless Tanning in order to get a richer, darker complexion. The sunless tanning method is an awesome way to achieve these results because you do not actually need to lie down under the sun for hours in order to get rid of your fair complexion.

If you are interested in getting a sunless tan you should consult with a tanning artist for the best results. Then you will see that having a beautifully tanned, healthy-looking appearance will boost your confidence for any body building competition. Superior Spray Tanning has the answer for you!  Give them a call today and get your bronze on.

Benefits of Spray Tanning for Your Photo Shoot

Are you getting ready for a photo shoot or other special event? If you want to look great and wish you could have deep, sexy tan, all year round, but you don’t want to suffer the harmful effects of a tanning bed or the sun’s rays, then sunless tanning is the solution for you. Superior Spray Tanning  can give you the natural, beautiful glow of healthy tanned skin for your entire body without experiencing the sun’s damaging UV rays by getting an airbrush tan.

An Airbrush Tan is very long-lasting, and your tan can be as dark or light as you wish. Not only will your sunless tan give your skin a that gorgeous, sun-kissed look, you won’t have to worry about getting sunspots, wrinkles or risk cancer because it is an all-natural process that contains natural ingredients like DHA, that nourish your skin, not dry it out because it is not a paint or a dye.

However, if you don’t have the time to go to our spray tanning salon, you can have the salon come to you. You can have a beautiful tan right in the comfort of your home by getting a convenient Mobile Sunless Tans. Imagine, you no longer have to call and go to an appointment or fight traffic to speed to your tanning salon, wasting your precious time because the mobile spray tan has swept the industry. There are also some great benefits to having customized sunless tanning done in your home:

Amie and Stephanie

  •  Spray Tans Last Much Longer. While wet tanning solutions like lotions tend to last only 2 or 3 days, spray tanning can last from 7-14 days depending on your skin’s reaction.
  •  Accessibility. With Mobile Spray Tanning you can get tanned whenever you want, wherever you happen to be. This is a wonderful benefit if you happen to live in a cold climate that hardly gets any sun.
  •  Less Staining. Typically, wet sunless tanning gels, lotions, and mousses, tend to leave stains on your clothing and hands. Spray tanning evaporates much faster leaving fewer stains.
  •  Much Better Results. Spray tanning leaves you feeling much cleaner because you are not applying tanning lotions or creams, while leaving blotches and streaks on your skin.

Availability. With airbrush tanning you can choose from a wide variety of spray tan shades, but make sure you choose the correct shade for your skin tone. Remember the orange lady you saw walking down the street? . . . you don’t want to look like her. You should also get from your spray tanning professional; or you try applying a small dab of the solution on section of your skin. This way you can see what works for you.

Finding Spray Tan perfection gives your confidence an incredible boost, and will give you a sun-kissed, healthy look for your photo shoot. You should keep in mind, however, that the key to getting sexy tanned skin is to consult with a spray tanning professional to help you look your best. Book an appointment today with us and get that beautiful bronze look you so desire.

What to Do if You Get Water on a Fresh Spray Tan

Water can be hazardous to a fresh spray tan. You should avoid water as much as possible, for the first 8-10 hours after your tan to assure your skin maintains that golden glow. This includes hand washing dishes (can I get an amen?)

If you do get watermarks or lightening due to exposure to water, you can apply or use a little of tanner or lotion to correct the blemish. Be careful to only apply it to the affected spot you are trying to correct. For example; if you have washed dishes and your hands fade, you will not be applying more tanner to your entire arm, just your hands. But, be very careful in applying the tanner because it may worsen the damage. Your skin might become dark if you apply too much of the tanner on already tanned areas.

Even perspiring can be a problem for your spray tan, be sure to keep yourself cool and dry. Working out, yard work, even heavy house cleaning is not recommended in the immediate hours after your tan is applied. If it is going to make you sweat, just let it go for a day, it will still be there tomorrow. Just relax and let the tan set.

Maintenance for your Spray Tan.

After the first 8-10 hours or so, you can start maintaining your golden glow. You can take a quick shower using mild soap and warm water only.
Shave as little as possible. Shaving may take off your top layer of skin that is holding the tanning solution. A little tip is to use hair conditioner to shave with instead of soap or shaving cream along with a sharp new blade. This is why exfoliating before getting a spray tan is so important.

When getting out of the shower, do not rub your skin with the towel, pat yourself dry. This also applies to washing your face, hands…pat dry!

To keep your skin soft you should apply a good, preferably natural, skin moisturizer after every shower and as needed during the day. A moisturizer with at least 3% DHA additive will help you keep your color intact longer. DHA is an ingredient that is in the tanning solution and great for your skin.

Avoid wearing tight clothing that will rub your skin. You could see fading in certain areas where your clothes are rubbing. Color on your skin maybe different than other people because each person’s skin is different, these are just some general tips to help you keep that color you desire during the week or so that your spray tan will last. If you have any more questions don’t hesitate to ask your tanning artist during your appointment.

National Sunless Tanning Day

The Annual National Sunless Day returns this year on Thursday, June 25th. Flawless, Sun-kissed skin can be yours! You probably covet that bronzed beach god/goddess look but don’t want to expose your skin to the sun’s damaging rays or may not be a fan of traditional UV tanning? Well now is the time to “Get your faux glow on!”

National Sunless Day is the perfect time for you to experience radiant, beaming skin…so beautiful it glows! Now you can enjoy a beautiful, healthy glow in just minutes, a perfect alternative to traditional UV tanning. With today’s hectic lifestyle, who has the time or desire to spend a day out in the hot sun? Achieve glowing skin without sacrificing your sacred time with Superior Spray Tanning. Summer is fast approaching, and your heart’s desire is a sun-kissed glow that rivals that of your friends fresh from a beach vacation. You too, can experience that same beautiful glow by just visiting Superior Spray Tanning! Experience flexibility and shorter treatments with the use of spray tanning.

The facts are here, Sunless tanning is a safe, fast and convenient way to achieve radiant, sexy skin. National Sunless Day is the perfect time for you to experience a UV Free Glow. We all know that everyone looks better with a little color, and now you can enjoy a beautiful, healthy glow in just minutes. By using our Sunless products and services, your UV Free experience will last for days! Achieve glowing skin without sacrificing your sacred time with Sunless.

Why Sunless?
The benefits of a beautiful, bronze tan are significant. These benefits include decreased appearance of cellulite, increased self-esteem and self-confidence. As well as those key benefits, sunless tanning is a safe, fast and convenient alternative to conventional tanning. Sunless tanning makes the smooth, even, bronze possible and has quickly become the favored method by dermatologists and millions of people around the globe.

We offer sunless services that provide you the convenience of glowing skin in minutes with results lasting up to 7 days. Get ready to take on the world as you shine on with SUNLESS!

Check out Superior Spray Tanning for exclusive deals and specials!


From Feeling Down to Being Brown

How it All Works

If you’ve ever seen a sliced apple turn from white to brown, you’ve seen how spray tanning products work on your skin.

Natural chemicals cause the inside of the apple to turn brown when it’s exposed to air. The naturally occurring dihydroxyacetone, commonly known as DHA, does the same thing to your skin. DHA is the main ingredient in sunless tanning sprays. In fact, the Skin Cancer Foundation warns against using any sunless tanning product that does not list DHA as the active ingredient.

DHA is a colorless sugar derived from plants such as sugar beets. It has been used to treat medical problems such as skin-pigmentation disorders for more than 50 years. It’s also been approved by the U.S. FDA for cosmetic use for decades. It was first used in a tanning product by Coppertone in the 1960s, although that early attempt tended to turn people orange. DHA products have been significantly improved since then, partly because the refining process is better.

DHA has an enzymatic reaction with the outer layer, or epidermis, of the skin, causing the dead skin cells to turn temporarily dark. By contrast, the sun’s rays and the UV lights used in tanning beds penetrate into the deepest layers of skin. That’s why they cause lasting damage.

Just as it takes the apple a while to turn brown, so can it take several hours for the DHA to darken your skin. That’s one reason our top of the line spray tanning solution includes a temporary dye or bronzing agent. Our clients want to see immediate results and we understand why! Unlike the darkening caused by DHA, the dye will wash off the first time you shower — or “run” when you sweat. Another common ingredient in spray-tanning products today is erythrulose, also a natural sugar, which gets some credit for the more natural (not orange) color of newer spray tanning products. Our solution also contains botanicals, moisturizers and aloe vera to help the skin absorb the tanning solution quickly and avoid excessive dryness.

Happy bronzing!

Melanoma and The Dangers of Tanning Beds

Many teens and twenty-somethings want that bronzed glow all year ’round, and when they can’t tan outdoors, millions use tanning beds to get it. Every year, nearly 2.3 million teenagers in the US tan indoors annually, and with prom season right around the corner, the temptation to tan is even greater. But with the big night fast approaching, new research has found that the use of sunbeds during a person’s teens and twenties is linked to an increase in melanoma risk, the deadliest form of skin cancer. People that have ever used tanning beds have a 15 percent higher risk of developing melanoma. More alarming still, based on 7 worldwide studies, people who first use a tanning bed before age 35 increase their risk for melanoma by 75 percent.

 prom melanoma

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) conducted a thorough review of several studies associating tanning bed use and melanoma risk. The researchers showed that the use of sunbeds under the age of 35 can increase melanoma risk by 75 percent. “This new research substantiates what we’ve believed for years about the danger of indoor tanning,” said Perry Robins, MD, President of The Skin Cancer Foundation. “It clearly increases the risk of skin cancer, especially in young women, who are the biggest users. Perhaps people will finally start to listen now that this study and other recent research provides some science to back up the belief.”

If the threat of melanoma isn’t enough to scare teens away from tanning booths, they should know that 90 percent of visible skin changes commonly attributed to aging are caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation. UV tanning accelerates the signs of aging, including wrinkles, leathering and fine lines, which can be seen as early as in one’s 20’s. Yet many teens will still desire a bronzed glow for prom. One safe alternative is sunless spray tanning.melanoma

Spray Tanning deliver a perfectly safe tan that typically lasts for 5-7 days. Unlike tanning beds, they don’t involve dangerous ultraviolet rays, they are made with completely harmless common ingredients.


May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month

The month of May is observed throughout the world as the Skin Cancer Awareness Month. Superior Spray Tanning is doing their part in raising awareness about skin cancer by offering protection advice and $10 discount on their custom airbrush tanning service.
Superior Spray Tanning has decided to help raise skin cancer awareness throughout the month of May. This month is being observed around the world as the Skin Cancer Awareness Month. Different government bodies and organizations in the field of health and wellness have taken month long initiatives to fight skin cancer. Throughout this month, Superior Spray Tanning will be offering tips to prevent the risk of skin cancer. Additionally, a discount of $10 will be available on their highly sought after airbrush tanning service throughout the month.
Skin cancer is now the most common form of cancer in the United States. The reason behind this disease is Ultraviolet radiation from different sources such as the Sun, sunlamps, tanning booths, etc. However, the good news is that skin cancer can be treated with a high success rate, provided it is detected and treated early. This is why there is a lot of effort around the world to raise awareness about the detection and prevention of skin cancer.
Airbrush tanning is now considered to be a healthier alternative to traditional tanning because it doesn’t involve exposure to UV rays. Superior Spray Tanning has many clients who have had skin cancer and now they have to avoid the sun and do only spray tanning instead.  This is why we want to provide a $10 discount during the month of May to anyone who has never had a spray tan just to show them how real and natural the spray tan can look.  Our spray tans look like real tans and no one would never even know that they are fake tans!
Superior Spray Tanning also makes the following recommendations to fight skin cancer
  • Making use of shades.
  • Avoiding sunburns.
  • Sun protection using hat, sunglasses, and clothing.
  • Avoiding UV tanning.
  • Use of sunscreen with a broad spectrum.
  • To keep the newborn babies out of the sun.
  • Periodic examination of the skin.

Countdown to Prom

Young adults who use sun beds increase their chance of developing melanoma (skin cancer) by 75 percent, and in the last 30 years, melanoma diagnoses have increased by 50 percent. If there’s one thing you do to keep yourself beautiful this prom season, we at Superior Spray Tanning urge you: Stay OUT of tanning salons!

However, we do acknowledge the importance of a (healthy!) tan, especially in those arm-and-leg-baring prom dresses. So, we want to give you some advice on bed-free bronzing.

Sunless tanning is the safest way to tan without harmful artificial UV rays and so long as you do your research, you won’t end up looking orange. For a guaranteed orange-free tan, airbrush tanning (as opposed to the less-expensive spray-tan booths) is the right option. Wherever you choose to go, make sure the professionals are using high-quality products and make sure they are true experts. Ask lots of questions!

Many girls shy away from airbrush tanning because it has a stigma for bestowing upon its users an artificial-looking tan. That problem can be easily avoided. You want to look sun-kissed, not unnaturally dark. If you are fair-skinned, ask your professional to use the lightest shade available when getting your spray tan. Just like there are different-colored foundations to match your skin tone, there are also different-colored spray-tanning formulas.

To ensure a longer-lasting, flawless spray tan, though, some legwork is required. We recommend that you exfoliate and complete any shaving, facials, manicures, or pedicures one day prior to your session. And no makeup, moisturizer, deodorant, or perfume on the day of. All of these things can prevent the tanning solution from completely contacting the skin.

And as far as post-spray tan, optimum results are usually seen two days afterward. How you maintain your glow, though, is entirely up to you and what products you use. To ensure longevity, Superior Spray Tanning have tips for best-practice protocol, including: applying moisturizer twice a day after your first time showering , avoid lotions with glycolic acids (the acid will strip away the solution), avoid bar soaps and mild liquid soaps, stay away from body scrubs, baths, and long showers, and, if you find yourself in a pool, Jacuzzi, or the ocean, make sure to carefully apply waterproof sunscreen to protect your tan!

Spring Break is Just a Spray Away!

It’s been a long winter with lots of snow and very cold temperatures. Nothing is better proof of that than pale, dry winter skin we’ve been sporting , but there is a glowing solution for the days ahead.  As we move into spring and the weather turns more hospitable, more and more people are looking to prepare to look their best by getting a tan. Most people believe that a tan enhances their looks.

The old-style indoor tanning beds to maintain a sun-bronzed look or to get ready for spring break and other vacations are now being shunned.  And with skin cancer on the rise and the recent ban on tanning beds for those younger than 16, people are turning to airbrush spray tanning more than ever. Also the negative effects of sun or tanning bed exposure — and in many cases overexposure — leads to more and lines, wrinkles, freckles and sunspots on skin.

Airbrush tanning is the ticket. Tan lovers can avoid all the risks to their appearance and health and still get that coveted bronzed look. Superior Spray Tanning offers all skin types the chance to look natural and glowing. No matter if you are going away for spring break or if you are staying home, why not look like you just got back from the Caribbean. A gorgeous tan is just a spray away!