Get your Spray Tan On!

There are several urban legends regarding spray tanning. Trust me, I’ve been in the business for some time now and no matter how hard I try to educate my clients and the general twenty- something single girl population, the questions (the SAME questions) force me to repeat myself on a daily basis.

Now that the warm weather has arrived, everyone is planning an escape to the beach. Everyone has also learned that spray tanning is the way to seamlessly slip into the bikini hiding flaws and cellulite that would otherwise force their way through pale scaly skin. Totally not beach worthy.

So why do I have clients calling about tanning beds? Aren’t we over this by now?

Myth #1. I must have a real base tan before spray tanning.

WRONG! I admit that I spent some of my 20’s hanging out in a UV bed. I have the freckles on my nose to show for it. However, not anymore! Why lay there every week for hours on end if you can spray for 5 minutes, come out perfectly and evenly tanned and stay that way for a week?

Using tanning beds before you spray tan is wrong on all accounts. First of all, this obviously defeats the purpose of going UV- free. Also, when we tan in the sun or in a bed, we significantly dry out the top layer of the skin. A sun tan is basically a full body scab which leads to flaking, peeling, and a dehydrated epidermal layer. If you then spray tan over that layer, the solution will not adhere well and you will experience a flaky fade off. Isn’t that what you want to avoid?

TRUTH: Always spray tan on pasty hydrated skin and use a light exfoliate or scrubby glove before you come in for your session. I promise, you will look flawless and radiant for your vacation. Don’t forget to pack your sunblock!

Don’t Ignore the risk of Indoor Tanning

The number of skin cancer cases due to tanning is higher than the number of lung cancer cases due to smoking.

In the US alone, 419,254 cases of skin cancer can be attributed to indoor tanning. Out of this number, 6,199 are melanoma cases.

Just one indoor tanning session per year in high school or college boosts the risk of developing potentially deadly melanoma by 20 percent, and each additional session during the same year raises this risk almost another two percent.

The risk soars to 73 percent after six or more sessions.

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A New Year, A New You!

Are you looking for a New Year’s resolution that will better YOU?  Look no farther!

You know they say that half of the new years resolutions don’t last the month.  But then again, the other half usually make it at least 6 months.  Well, with it being about 50/50 I say give yourself the benefit of the doubt that you’re going to go the distance.  

However, lets also try something new.  

How about a new new years resolution that is so easy you’ll never want to stop.  One where you do something that is healthy and relaxing.  Start  2014 with a natural healthy glow!

Spray Tanning for the Holidays

Spray tanning is great for holiday parties! Everyone looks gorgeous with glowing skin, and a spray tan can make you the bell of the ball!  No one will be able to ignore your beautiful glowing skin!

If you’ve never had a sunless spray tan before, this is the perfect excuse to get one! Get it a day or so before your big event, that way you still have that fresh glow, but have time to wash off the bronzer.  Get noticed this holiday season with a gorgeous, natural looking spray tan!



Americans go to great strides to create a fantastic costume that includes expensive ensemble outfits, accessories, wigs, theatrical make up and much more!

Laura tan

A lot of men and women are turning to a spray tan to complete their Halloween look. Yes, it’s true…Halloween Glows are NOT just for pumpkins anymore! Snooki/Jersey Shore is no longer the rage, but there are a plethora of other costumes that would benefit from a good spray tan!

Superior SprayTanning can help you achieve the perfect tan for your Halloween party.  Check out our services and *REMEMBER* to schedule your Custom Airbrush EARLY, because spots are limited and they do fill quickly! In a matter of 12-16 hours, you too can start to radiate like a goddess, gypsy, or jewel of Egypt. Feel confident knowing that there are options other than “orangey”, streaky, over the counter products that dry out your skin.