Bronze Yourself this Thanksgiving

Halloween is over and I am sure everyone ate WAY to much candy. Now Thanksgiving and Christmas is approaching and you will be seeing all of your family and friends that you haven’t seen all year. Everyone is trying to lose those extra few pounds before the holidays come, but it is so hard to go on a diet this time of year. Instead of stressing about losing the weight, book a spray tan and you will instantly look 10 pounds lighter!


Book your Thanksgiving tan today!thanksgiving-bronze-yourself

Get Costume Ready for this Halloween

One of the best times to schedule your Superior Spray Tan is … you guessed it—Halloween! Halloween is one of our favorite holidays, because it’s a chance to showcase your flawless airbrush spray tan! Are you planning a sexy Halloween costume and you need a perfect sun-kissed tan to do the trick? Then, Superior Spray Tanning has you covered! Book your spray tanning appointment today!

Halloween is the Perfect Excuse to Dress Up

Take advantage of the Halloween spirit and dress up in your best costume. Whether you plan to go as a sexy bunny or a body builder, spray tanning will do away with the pasty white and give you the beautiful, bronze skin to take your costume to the next level.

Winter is Coming!

The amazing summer sun has disappeared and getting a tan outdoors is no longer feasible. What is the best (and healthiest) replacement? Spray tanning!

Get tanned this month for Halloween and your spray tan will be vibrant for much longer!

Book Now! Space is Limited

Whatever you decide to wear for Halloween, the one element you can’t forget is a spray tan at Superior Spray Tanning! Halloween is all about feeling and looking beautiful, and an airbrush spray tan is a quick and easy way to achieve that healthy glow! Halloween is one of the busiest times of the year for spray tanning so go ahead and book your appointment today to reserve your spot!

Spray Tan Newbies

Here are the spray-tan tips I wish someone had given me before my first spray tan….

Schedule smartly. Evening appointments are the most logical, since you can go after work, then scurry home and promptly seal yourself into your private chambers. After the session, you’re forbidden from getting wet for 8 to 10 hours while your tan is developing, so you’ll have to wait until the morning to shower. Morning appointments, however, are best if clients need to shower that evening. If you are getting spray-tanned for a special occasion, make the appointment for two days before, but consider a trial a month in advance before a big event, like a wedding.

Prep your skin, part one. Always exfoliate with a non-oil-based scrub before a spray tan. It is best to do this the day of your scheduled appointment, but the day before is fine, too.  Acceptable forms of exfoliation: scrubbing gently with a creamy formula, shaving the day before (always use new razor blades to avoid a situation where your tan fades unevenly), or waxing a few days before.

Dress down. Pack some scrubby, loose-fitting clothes to wear home from your appointment. (Don’t breeze in wearing nothing but your dry-clean-only career-girl clothes). No wiggling into leggings, tights, skinny jeans, or any formfitting clothes (you should even try not to put your bra back on), or your bronze will look like a remnant from your vacation to Streak City. For footwear, wear loose sneakers with no socks, ballet flats, or any kind of slide-on shoes. Prior to your session, anything is fine; just remember any clothing that indents your skin beforehand will indent your tan afterward.

Prepare your skin, part two. Wash your face before your appointment, and wipe your body down with a cleansing towelette. You want to come in with clean, fresh skin, so no moisturizers, deodorants, sunscreens, makeup, or oils of any kind. And since you won’t be showering—or washing your face—after, taking off all your makeup just makes good sense. (And check the weather, because if an unexpected rainstorm hits and you are not fully equipped with protective covering, you should reschedule the appointment.)

Shower time! Once your 10 hours are up, shower with lukewarm to cool water, never hot. Wait until the water runs clear, then pat dry and moisturize, moisturize, moisturize.

Maintain. The more hydrated your skin is, the longer the tan will last. I suggest moisturizing morning and evening with an oil-free moisturizing formula. You should avoid getting full-on manicures or pedicures, as they’ll break down the tan. Polish changes are OK, but “no scrubbing, bubbles, soaks, massages, or hot water.” Working out is fine, but it’s best to wait at least two days before exercising, as heavy sweating removes the color sooner. If workouts can be avoided, they should be (I guess that’s why they say if you can’t tone it, tan it).


Spray Tanning is Very Safe

Most people would have done anything to achieve the perfect tan. Some of you may constitute hanging out in the sunshine, although the benefit of vitamin D is produced by sunlight by subjecting yourself to 20 to 30 minutes a day of sunshine is great for you there are several disadvantages and risks to overexposure to the sun. This is where Superior Spray Tanning will help you achieve that desired hue on your skin without harm. 

One of the best ways to protect your skin is to minimize exposure to the sun, and or tanning beds, traditionally tanning was literally basking in the rays of the sun, and sunless tans on the past looked horrific and yellow. Now the most effective results come from many years of research and testing to develop high quality products that look natural on your skin when professionally applied by someone that knows how to spray on a tan that looks natural. Sunless tanning is the safest option for those who want beautiful glowing skin and would like to keep it that way. In short beware of the intentional overexposure to the sun’s harmful rays that potentially damage your skin and age you. Be good to yourself and accomplish the desired hue on your shin by a spray tan with quality products and professional people.

Tanning beds at one time considered the alternative to the sun’s harmful rays. But over the test of time this method of tanning also has harmful side effects similar to the sun itself. Of course in places like the northwest where the sun is nonexistent for nearly 10 months out of the year, or people that sit in an office with no sun all day a few minutes in a tanning bed may help with vitamin D production and stimulate your mental state. But for that awesome tan color on your skin, spray tanning is hands down the way to go. For those people on the run, our mobile spray tanning service is the only way to go.

More people than ever before are taking advantage of healthier more convenient alternatives to wasting endless hours baking and basting in the sun. How much is your time worth to you? For a very reasonable fee you can attain an awesome tan literally in minutes with a spray tan. Now you can use the endless hours you would have spent out in the sun getting and maintaining that harmful sun tan for something much better. Where will you spend all the time you saved to be more productive in your life?

Here at Superior Spray Tanning we not only want to provide the best quality products and application for our clients, but we also try and provide an education so our clients understand the alternatives and benefits. You see knowledge is power and our knowledge is yours we love working with and learning from smart people.

Will it stain my nails?

Today we are going to talk about whether or not your airbrush tan will stain your nails, and the answer to that questions is NO! How does that work you ask? Well it is very simple. Hair and skin are actually made up of something and that is keratin. Keratin is a key structural component of hair and nails. “WAIT” you say. “Then how will it not stain my nails?” It’s easy, nails are made up of hard keratin and skin is made up of soft keratin. We like to use the example of spilling solution. If we spill solution on your carpet, it will be a disaster. However, if we spill solution on your tile floor, it’s no big deal. The tanning solution will not be absorbed by your nails.

Never fear, your manicure is safe for your spray tan!

Spray Tanning for Pageants

Beauty pageants are a very real (and expensive) pastime for many girls around the world. Whether we are talking about child beauty pageants or college beauty pageants, there are many benefits associated with them. However, there is also a lot of pre-pageant work that these girls do before they ever compete.

Many contestants take pageant lessons in the spare time in order to perfect their walking, performing and interviewing skills. They also generally take lessons to improve their chosen talent. In addition to the lessons, pageant contestants often focus on eating healthy and getting enough daily exercise in so they will look physically fit in their formal wear and swimwear during the competitions too.

Beauty may be only skin deep, but there’s an appeal — especially for young beauty pageant contestants — to making that skin appear golden, glowing and unblemished. While tanning is not a requirement for beauty pageant contestants, it’s considered a necessity by most girls. Most people agree that tanned skin looks better than the bright white hue of untanned skin. Since tanning is something that so many people do (whether they are in beauty pageants or not) a lot of young girls don’t realize the dangers associated with tanning.

Tanning can lead to premature aging, skin cancer and a number of other negative side effects. Therefore, if you or anyone you know is planning on getting a tan for an upcoming beauty pageant, wedding or just because they want to, make sure they understand the dangers of tanning and how they can avoid them.

Spray Tanning is the safest and best way to go for immediate tans. Most clients usually get spray tans the day or two before attending an event where their skin needs to be dark. Most pageant contestants, need a deep golden brown color without tan lines so they look flawless on stage in their swimsuit and formal attire. Spray tans generally last a week to ten days, but it is common for the contestants to get sprayed a couple times throughout the competition week for the different preliminaries.  Spray tanning is the best option for fast, speedy and safe tans and it will also keep your skin looking youthful and amazing when you are older. 

Below are a few tips from our beauty pageant clients on spray tanning for pageants and other occasions where great tans are desired.

Spray tanning is the best option for getting your skin to look flawless on stage without laying under the harmful lights in the tanning beds. While under stage lights, you skin starts to look washed out so giving it a nice tint really makes a difference. I would never go onstage in my swimsuit or gown without my spray tan!!                            -Emily, Miss Baltimore 2016

My best advice for spray tanning is to                                                      #1, Find someone who is experienced and who you trust.            #2, Exfoliate and moisturize your skin because you spray will all around look better and hold better with healthy skin under it. #3, Don’t be afraid to go a little darker than normal. A good dark tan will always look good on stage even if you look crazy in person.                                     -Shea, Miss Anne Arundel County 2016


Good Luck to all of my clients that are competing for Miss Maryland 2016 and Miss Maryland Outstanding Teen 2016!

Healthy Tanning for Prom

Readers are shocked by two very eye-opening statistics: Young adults who use sun beds increase their chance of developing melanoma (skin cancer) by 75 percent, and in the last 30 years, melanoma diagnoses have increased by 50 percent. If there’s one thing you do to keep yourself beautiful this prom season, we at Superior Spray Tanning urge you: Stay OUT of tanning salons!

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However, we do acknowledge the importance of a (healthy!) tan, especially in those arm-and-leg-baring prom dresses. Sunless tanning is the safest way to tan without harmful artificial UV rays and so long as you do your research, you won’t end up looking orange. For a guaranteed orange-free tan, airbrush tanning (as opposed to the less-expensive spray-tan booths) is the right option.

Many girls shy away from airbrush tanning because it has a stigma for bestowing upon its users an artificial-looking tan. You want to look sun-kissed, not unnaturally dark. If you are fair-skinned, ask your professional to use the lightest shade available when getting your spray tan. Just like there are different-colored foundations to match your skin tone, there are also different-colored spray-tanning formulas.

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To ensure a longer-lasting, flawless spray tan, though, some legwork is required. We recommend that you exfoliate and complete any shaving, facials, manicures, or pedicures one day prior to your session and no makeup, moisturizer, deodorant, or perfume on the day of.  All of these things are barriers and can prevent the tanning solution from completely contacting the skin.

How you maintain your glow, though, is entirely up to you and what products you use. To ensure longevity, the best-practice protocol, including: applying moisturizer twice a day after your first time showeringavoid anything with oil (the oil will strip away the solution), avoid bar soaps and mild liquid soapsstay away from body scrubs, baths, and long showers, and, if you find yourself in a pool, Jacuzzi, or the ocean, make sure to carefully apply waterproof sunscreen to protect your tan!

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5 years in Business!

Thank you, Thank you!!

We have the best clients, and we would like to show our appreciation to you during our two day celebration, April 8 & 9!!  We hope you’ll accept our invitation in celebrating our 5 year anniversary! All spray tans are only $25 these 2 days. Make an appointment and stop in for a moment, or stay for a bit!  Tempting treats will be available over the course of our two day celebration!

We look forward to seeing you Friday, April 8th and Saturday April 9th.  We have enjoyed building relationships with each and everyone of you!!

Join us!