Don’t be scary pale this Halloween

One of the best times to schedule your Superior Spray Tan is … you guessed it—Halloween! Halloween is one of our favorite holidays, because it’s a chance to showcase your flawless airbrush spray tan! Are you planning a sexy Halloween costume and you need a perfect sun-kissed tan to do the trick? Then, Superior Spray Tanning has you covered! Book your spray tanning appointment today!View More:

Halloween is the Perfect Excuse to Dress Up

Take advantage of the Halloween spirit and dress up in your best costume. Whether you plan to go as a scary clown, sexy witch or a bloody zombie, spray tanning will do away with the pasty white and give you the beautiful, bronze skin to take your costume to the next level.

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Winter is Coming!

The amazing summer sun has disappeared and getting a tan outdoors is no longer feasible. What is the best (and healthiest) replacement? Spray tanning!

Get tanned this month for Halloween and your spray tan will be vibrant for much longer!

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Book Now! Space is Limited

Whatever you decide to wear for Halloween, the one element you can’t forget is a spray tan at Superior Spray Tanning! Halloween is all about feeling and looking beautiful, and an airbrush spray tan is a quick and easy way to achieve that healthy glow! Halloween is one of the busiest times of the year for spray tanning so go ahead and book your appointment today to reserve your spot!

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Are you bikini ready?

The sun is out and the beach is on my mind! No one wants to feel uncomfortable or ashamed in a bikini.  We all starting thinking about getting in shape for the summer back in March, but time goes by fast, and next thing you know it’s already bikini season, and you don’t feel bikini ready. Here are a few tips to get ready!

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1. Nutrition

Abs are made in the kitchen!! I truly believe that getting that bikini body is 80% what you are fueling your body with and 20% exercise. Eat lots of fresh fruit, vegetables, have lots of protein (chicken, fish, turkey, tofu, eggs, etc.) and plan ahead! Eat more vegetables: While ‘dieting’ we often focus on what we can’t eat, and we forget about about the foods that we can enjoy.  Eat unlimited vegetables, enjoy them and be creative with how you cook them.  Not only will this nourish your body, but it will alleviate some of your cravings.  Stop drinking alcohol: Most people hate hearing this, but the truth hurts.  Other than wine being filled with antioxidants, alcohol has no benefits to your body.  Alcohol is full of unnecessary calories and sugar that not only make it more difficult for your body to burn fat, but can leave you feeling bloated and lethargic. If it’s too difficult to cut out alcohol, try minimizing your intake to 1-2 glasses on the weekend.

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2. Exercise

Exercising will make you feel stronger, healthier, more fit, help you burn more calories, give you energy, will help you eat better, sleep better and over all, FEEL BETTER! I can’t stress enough the importance of exercise. Schedule your workouts in advance so you make sure that you go! Include it in your work day so you don’t skip it. So many people limit themselves because they feel like they have to be in a gym. One of my biggest tips is to just do something every day. It doesn’t have to be an hour out of your day, it could be 10 minutes doing a quick high intensity workout and then you’re done! It’s all about consistency and creating habits rather than just going to the gym when it’s convenient. Personally I’m obsessed with doing abs and booty exercises. I find them fun, easy and most of it you can do with just your body weight!

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3. Hydrate Yourself

I think this one speaks for itself, but keeping hydrated helps the body to naturally cleanse out , helps your skin glow and leaves your body feeling great! Consuming enough water should be the first thing you change in your diet.  Water helps lubricate your muscles and joints, helps flush out toxins and waste from your body and it helps improves the vitality of your skin.  At the end of the day, drinking water will help you look and feel better.

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4. Get Your Bronze On

There’s nothing worse than showing up to a tropical beach and being the whitest person on the sand…or just blending into the sand completely. You gotta get a little pre-tan happening so that you have the confidence to strip down and frolic into the warm waves. I recommend getting a spray-tan the day before you go.  No harmful UV rays needed! Find a swimsuit that showcases your assets: There are so many swimsuits on the market that flatter different body types. Find a swimsuit that flatters your body, and showcases your assets and spray tan.  Keep looking till you find a swimsuit that makes you feel confident and beautiful!

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5. Love Yourself and Be Confident in Your Own Skin

Regardless of your shape and size you will NEVER be happy or feel bikini body ready unless you can truly love who you are as a person first. Lets face it, most of us will never look like a Victoria Secret swimsuit model.  Learn to be OK with that, and to appreciate your body just the way it is. That does not mean that you shouldn’t work to improve your body, but learn how to appreciate it every step of the way.  If you have curves OWN IT, and if you are skin and bone, own that too! Everyone was created differently and beautifully! Stop comparing your body to others, and learn how to love your strengths, and your flaws. If you truly want to feel good in your own skin every day, it comes to being able to look at yourself in the mirror and boldly say the words “You are beautiful” even when you don’t feel like it! Surround yourself with people that encourage and support you! You can never gain healthy self-love just from people complimenting you. It has to come from within YOU!

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Perfect Glow for Prom Night

Make sure you have the perfect glow for Prom night!

Sunless tanning is the safest way to tan without harmful artificial UV rays and so long as you do your research, you won’t end up looking orange. For a guaranteed orange-free tan, airbrush tanning (as opposed to the less-expensive spray-tan booths) is the right option. Wherever you choose to go, make sure the professionals are using high-quality products and make sure they are true experts. Ask lots of questions!

Many girls shy away from airbrush tanning because it has a stigma for bestowing upon its users an artificial-looking tan. That problem can be easily avoided. You want to look sun-kissed, not unnaturally dark. If you are fair-skinned, ask your professional to use the lightest shade available when getting your spray tan. Just like there are different-colored foundations to match your skin tone, there are also different-colored spray-tanning formulas.

To ensure a longer-lasting, flawless spray tan, though, some legwork is required. We recommend that you exfoliate and complete any shaving, facials, manicures, or pedicures one day prior to your sessionAnd no makeup, moisturizer, deodorant, or perfume on the day of the spray tan. All of these things can prevent the tanning solution from completely contacting the skin.

And as far as post-spray tan, optimum results are usually seen two days afterward. How you maintain your glow, though, is entirely up to you and what products you use. To ensure longevity, Superior Spray Tanning have tips for best-practice protocol, including: applying moisturizer twice a day after your first time showering , avoid lotions with glycolic acids (the acid will strip away the solution), avoid bar soaps and mild liquid soapsstay away from body scrubs, baths, and long showers, and, if you find yourself in a pool, Jacuzzi, or the ocean, make sure to carefully apply oil-free sunscreen to protect your tan!

Superior Spray Tanning offers a variety of prom packages!

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This Christmas, cold tones can stay outside while you get the perfect tan as a gift for your friends or yourself. With the biggest holiday of the year just around the corner, Christmas is a time of joy and an opportunity to spend time with your loved ones. Gift giving is the biggest tradition of the season but holiday shopping can turn into chaos as the date approaches. If you’re looking for the perfect gift, whether for yourself or a friend, a touch of color might be exactly what you’re looking for. Get a tan that will get you all the looks this season and choose your favorite way to get bronzed skin.

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Moisturize with Oil-Free Lotion

People are always asking me, “what is the best lotion to use after my spray tan?” Dry skin definitely makes it hard to keep your sunless tan looking fresh and smooth. Patchy skin shows in photographs.  To extend the life of your sunless tan moisturized skin is a MUST! The problem is that some lotions contain ingredients that during my many years of spraying, I have discovered don’t work well with sunless tans, whether you get a spray tan or you self-tan at home.

Lotion Ingredients that are bad for your spray tan:

  • Mineral oil
  • Alcohol
  • Fragrances
  • Dyes
  • Essential Oils

Essential oils that are in lotions or applied to the skin for aroma therapy can cause your spray tan to break down in the areas that you are applying the oils and can also cause problems with the essential oil residue causing an unsightly color change when you GET your spray tan.  Please make sure that you have removed all essential oil residue completely. Baking soda mixed into your mild shower wash will help to remove all traces of the oils before you come to your spray tanning appointment. And stop using the oils for at least 72 hours.

Staying away from these ingredients while wearing your sunless tan ensures that your pretty glow lasts as long as possible and fades smoothly. Both are good things.

Say “I Do” to a spray tan!

Wedding season is fast approaching and at Superior Spray Tanning we’re busy gearing up for the influx of brides and bridesmaids who grace our tent this time of year. Want to spray tan for your wedding without looking like a carrot walking down the aisle? Well you’ve come to the right place.

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Many of our brides have never tried spray tanning, and their number one fear is obviously looking orange–followed closely by fear #2. Will the spray tan run off on my white dress? When applied properly and with these pre and post spray tanning tips you can prevent the orange and achieve that sun-kissed look you crave without the harmful effects of the sun.

Courtney Hobbs - Jenny B Photography

I have sprayed many of brides for their big day. In fact, bridal sprays are our specialty. Our solution evens out the skin tone and adds the perfect touch of color — just enough to take a bride out of her winter slump and into the gorgeous glow that she needs. Not to mention that her photos will look incredible!

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Here are  a few spray tanning tips and trade secrets exclusively for our brides- to- be.

1. Shave.

The day before your spray tan session yields the best results.

2. Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate.

Exfoliate 12-24 hours prior with a sea-salt scrub (or other body exfoliating scrub). This removes loose, dead skin cells, which prevent the application of color. Exfoliating will improve and extend your tanning results.

3. Skip the oils, gels, lotions and perfumes.

Prior to tanning, your skin should be clean and dry with no product residue.  All makeup should also be removed before your spray tan session and don’t forget to take off your jewelry! You definitely don’t want a white necklace line with your strapless dress!

4. Tan in dark undergarments.

Bring dark, loose fitting clothing to wear after your tan (no skinny jeans or stretch pants). At bedtime, wear an over-sized T- shirt (I steal my hubby’s) and loose pants

5. Avoid bathing + workouts for 24 hours.

Avoid hitting the shower, pool, or other source of water for 8-12 hours (18-24 hours preferred). I also recommend using shower gel or body wash instead of bar soap (and do not exfoliate or use a shower puff – hands only).

Also, avoid any products that contain alcohol, alpha hydroxy acid, retin-a, beta hydroxy and any other peeling agents. You should moisturize twice daily with a basic product– nothing with perfumes or mineral oil

6. Trial Run

I always suggest a practice session about a month prior to an event. This way, we can perfect the look we are going for before the big day. Do you want to go darker? Would you rather a lighter sun- kissed effect?  Either way, you be glowing all the way to the honeymoon suite!

** Ask about our special discounts and incentives for bridal parties of six or more

Protect Your Spray Tan on Vacation

With vacation season at its peak, we wanted to share tanning tips for making your spray tan last longer during all of your summer adventures.

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Protecting your tan on vacation can be simple if you follow these steps:


A spray tan will not protect you from burning in the natural sun. You always want to use a water resistant, oil-free sunscreen. Although spray on sunscreen can be convenient, most of them don’t provide the water resistance needed to protect your tan against chlorine or salt water. Most spray on sunscreens typically contain mineral oil and alcohol which will strip down a spray tan. Apply Lotion SPF (80 min water resistance) 20 minutes before entering the water. This will create a barrier between your tan and the elements.  If you are consistently in the water, re-apply every 30-40 minutes to keep a strong barrier. If you are just dipping in and out to cool off you can re-apply every 1.5-2 hours. We highly suggest a lotion based sunscreen or the Neutrogena beach defense spray-on sunscreen. Whatever you pick, make sure it is OIL_FREE!

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  1. Rehydrate & Cleanse

After a long day out having fun, you want to make sure you shower and hydrate your body and add back moisture to your skin cells. You don’t want to sit for hours with chlorine and salt water sitting on your skin. It will dry you out. After your shower make sure to pat dry and moisturize

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  1. Refresh your tan

We totally understand you likely won’t be perfect with the sunscreen application and depending on your water activities you may have areas that fade slightly faster than others. Taking a tan extender with you is great for refreshing your color. Just apply it to the areas that need a boost at night before bed and wake up with a fresh and renewed tan! It has the solution in it so it will match your color perfect.

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  1. Protect Your Face!

Your face is a lot more sensitive and has a higher chance of burning.
Don’t forget to wear sunglasses and a hat for maximum protection. And drink your water 😉

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Happy New Year!

Superior Spray Tanning was glad to be back to normal in 2022 with proms, weddings, dances and vacations! We can’t wait to see what 2023 brings us and we hope to see all of our wonderful clients! We loved being a part of our bride’s special day and helping them glow as they walked down the aisle. We have enjoyed seeing many of our pageant, dance and cheer clients achieve their goals on stage glowing in their Superior Spray Tans. Spring is always very busy for us! We enjoyed celebrating with our high school clients in their important moments during prom and graduation. And we always enjoy catching up with our regular clients throughout the year and love meeting the new ones! We hope that you enjoyed your spray tan(s) in 2022 and hope to see all of you back in 2023.

Happy New Year!